Monday, May 23, 2011

In which direction?

Ultra kiasu leaders still do not want to accept the fact that vernacular schools are among the causes of deterioration or weakness of the national language proficiency among non-Malay students. More serious yet, he said, language is not the cause of today's polarization. Source is coming from the basic unfairness of Umno (Barisan Nasional) which ruled the kingdom. In short, on those aspects of language and race schools is not a major contributor.

He argued that the study made by the National Union of Teaching Profession (MPIC) is a new-new. My advice is, if we reject a fact, then submit new facts or create a new study to counteract the previous study. This does not, talk like people not in school. Good Pakatan Rakyat-led government is also studying a similar, if not convinced by earlier studies. Do not blame other people too.

Umno blame the government (BN) and the national secondary education system had failed its people memandaikan master this country will not solve the problem. Ultra ultra kiasu kiasu fixed. Does he not realize that he is also a national high school products. If the little primary school he was educated Chinese, and Chinese secondary schooling, in Chinese universities, I believe, he would not be able to speak the Malay language as it is now.

Ultra kiasu also blamed the teaching and learning (R & D) in primary and secondary schools do not allow students to master the national language of the vernacular. Of course, in this case they refer to the Malay teachers teaching Malay. If that is the case, I suggest we let the Chinese teacher to teach Malay. We want to see them succeed or not memandaikan fellow countrymen.

Facts must be accompanied by research (R & D). Most did not even go for a study in vernacular schools. Test their language abilities. Please advise or tell a speech contest. Let us conspire, conspire to hear how this school argued in Malay. Do not keep too wet yarn.

How many politicians and Chinese businessmen, when asked in Malay, continued to suddenly switch to English or native language. Clearly shows that they can not speak the national. In fact, when surveyed many members of the ultra kiasu who can not speak Malay very well. For them the national agenda is not important, the important agenda of the nation.

Ultra kiasu argue again, what to control and pass the Malay language, if they eventually can not enter the public service sector, which on average into the hands of Malays (80 percent)? Thus, the Chinese language has had to focus on commercial value, such as English and mother tongue. Ultra kiasu deliberately blinking an eye that school products were weak in the English vernacular. They deliberately did not want to study why the Chinese are not interested in joining the public service sector and how many have been appointed to high office, but busy pointing fingers at the government.

For those who are smart and do research, dissemination of a person who determines the level of language proficiency and national unity. If socialization racism, then racism will be the answer. Do not want the ultra kiasu great point, try to compete in the majority Malays and the Malay berkempenlah, we want to see, how far members could go far in the national language.

How students can master the vernacular schools where the Malay language is taught three times a week, which is about 2 hours a week. Government attempts to add the P & P at the Malay vernacular schools, but rejected outright by the Dong Jiao Zong. Their argument is easy, than to the Malay language will affect the Chinese language proficiency. Today they are demanding to be given equal treatment and equal opportunities, but the curriculum can not be directly addressed, let alone want to submit a building, land and school administration.

The situation will become more serious when the new-new MCA president announced that the MCA will sign a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) with seven universities in Taiwan University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman (KTAR) and Koperasi Jaya Diri (Kojadi ). The Chinese University of tersebur is Culture University, Feng Chia University, MingDao University, Transworld University, I-Shou Univesity, the National Taipei University of Technology, and the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. According to the president of the ultra kiasu, this needs to be done because only 1peratus percent Chinese students from the entire 86.000 vocational education students in this country.

The question is whether this number is correct? If true, this is a small number due to the policies of the Chinese government itself did not want to enter the local vocational education, the opportunity is fully utilized to mencinakan more Chinese people by sending them to China. Why do I need to Taiwan? There is no other country else to go? Go to the adjacent land, to save on expenses such as Thailand that are not about building it, or at least to South Korea. Hebatkan sangatkah Taiwan in the field of vocational? Before this I was called, the better the Chinese students are exposed to the environment outside the nation, can not be ultra kiasu.

The second reason he is in line with the Economic Transformation Program (ETP) under the leadership of the Prime Minister to produce more skilled workers. Over the past 10 years, the country needs 30 million jobs, 40 percent are skilled workers. Asked whether the certificates will be recognized by the government or not, just like the president of the ultra kiasu response, the MCA is working to ensure that they are recognized by the success he urged the government to recognize some of the universities in China.

My question is, whether to be in China, they will have a strong Malaysian identity. What is their agenda behind all this, if not to produce more ultra kiasu agenda for strengthening the nation against the national agenda? We are very worried that if too many people agenda highlighted the polarization will be more widespread, although it 1Malaysia the main arguments made in creating unity among the races.

Latest, Sabah United People's Party President (PBRS) proposed the establishment of the Kadazan Dusun and Murut College or College of KDM in Sabah. Another agenda of the nation. Soon after that, it is possible all the BN component parties based on ethnicity, will speak the same thing on the ground "to keep the nation in goals 1Malaysia."

Shadows in the country has more than 50 different ethnic groups. If every ethnic, educational institutions themselves wanted, what would happen to the Malaysian education system in the future? No need to ask for approval of each ethnicity, as surely they will agree. This is the consequence if we allow the university based on race and ethnic political parties operate. Perlembagaanlah supposed to be a reference in terms of doing what matters, especially in terms of national education, which became the pillar of nation building. This does not, in our heads only agenda of the nation.

Like other ultra kiasu, reasons establishment of the college is to promote racial society, with other races, under 1Malaysia and also bring the spirit of strengthening the unity, so that no people will feel left out. Again galasannya 1Malaysia into stone. Unfortunately, this idea really, used to obtain equal rights and equal opportunities, rather than to seek justice, because the meaning of justice is putting things in place.

Doomed future, if approved, the college, the Iban, Melanau, Sarawak Dayak and will require a college or university created equal. Imagine that after this, if the original demand that the government establish the original university. Of course we made it a headache, because in terms of rights, they are entitled. After that, followed by the minority of Siam in Perlis, Kedah and Kelantan government to establish unified claim on the grounds of the Siam University 1Malaysia! Did outcry of our country's education system?

The existence of a college or university should be based on need rather than demand. Dumping the university based on a claim will only affect the quality of education. Enough with the Public Institutions of Higher Learning (IPTA) is available. Let us further enhance and strengthened.

Keep in mind, all this started when we pass the university owned by MCA, Gerakan, MIC and the NGOs that racism exists. As a result, of course, there are people feeling left out, what they are natives of the shoe has more rights. While other, non-natives, not only have its own university and even the idea of ​​independent universities have already become reality.

Fahamkah us what the real purpose of the university? Outside the country, there is no ethnic-based university. If there is a 'chair' or a particular ethnic studies centers. But in our country are very complicated and memelikkan, why do university-based ethnic or political party created? I suggest that the 'chair' or ethnic groups of the research center was established at public and private institutions of higher learning (IPTS) is provided there, from a college or university created specifically for certain races. In the meantime, is still not too late to acquire and absorb university-based political party or NGO racism into the national education.

I appeal to the natives of Sabah and Sarawak, do not act like the ultra kiasu. Racism ultra kiasu will only ruin the country. The Government will not entertain this claim too. If this is how the situation, other universities would be adversely affected in the future because they could not compete with private institutions are certainly stronger in terms of finances and get support and support of the international network.

Each race will push the university desperately to help and defend their own nation. I am sure, would far exceed the strength of ultra kiasu government forces as greater financial strength. What's more, if their donations in the ultra kiasu university may be exempted or deducted from income tax. University that they have become rich.

I am sure, most of the taxes had been flown to be flown there and then. This will definitely be an impact on national income. Finally, who will lose? Public position would have been affected. Provision is limited and must be shared with other universities. Compared with their racist university continues to receive funds for the fund. Advantage over again, sometimes the ground and some other facilities provided free by the government. I need not mention the name of the ultra kiasu university.

In addition, the future of Malay as the national language will become increasingly bleak. Note only, in their Malay language no commercial value. Make a date is only the core subjects are taught in Malay as Malaysian Nationhood and Ethnic Relations, The other are all taught in English and native languages. Whither the direction of our country's education later in 2020? Whether we will succeed in building a nation and people dream?

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