Thursday, June 9, 2011

Letter from Bukhara

Letter from Bukhara

Letter from Bukhara

Dear readers,

In the past in a meadow steppe, was born a baby boy in a khemah.Pada when the weather outside is sejuk.Tiba menyabung.Semua fighting lightning-arrived residents tent (Yurt) memekup ear mereka.Seorang children cry . But the baby does not cry a little pun.Namanya Temudjin.

Temudjin has grown into a talented young man in the leadership and disiplin.Pengaruhnya widened among the tribes to defeat Mongol.Selepas Jamukha, the brother of a war, Temudjin has become 'The Great Khan of all the tribes had united Mongol.Beliau all Mongol tribes and lead them into the team this berkudanya.Temudjin Genghiz later known as Khan.

Genghiz Khan began to expand his control over all of Central Asia in violation of Kara-Khitan, Khwarezmi Government of Mongolia in the west, the Western Xia and Jin government in China.Genghiz Khan was initially not keen to conquer the Kingdom of Khwarezmi which was ruled by Shah Ala ad-Din Muhammad , he is keen to promote the network perdagangan.Untuk Genghiz Khan has sent a caravan consisting of 500 Muslims to Khwarezmi.Inalchuq, governor of Otar, a region Khwarezmi This caravan has been arrested on the grounds they are perisik.Genghiz Khan has sent a second demand karavannya to be released and the governor has Otrar dihukum.Namun Shah Khwarezmi membotakkan Mongol envoys and heads of other causes outrage dipancung.Ini Genghiz Khan who hold to the principle that each messenger must be respected, sacred and should not be diganggu.Pada in 1219, the Mongols were across the Tien Shan mountain, leading to the palace of Shah Khwarezmi.

First Mongol army reached Otrar.Dengan military force of 30,000 men, Mongol troops besieged the city for 5 months prior to entering the city gates and membumihanguskannya.Gabenor Otrar arrested and sentenced to death by pouring molten gold into his mouth, as a result of retaliation works withstand the hordes of caravans Genghiz Khan.Sementara cavalry under the command of Jochi, the eldest Genghiz Khan defeated southern army column Khwarezmi and forced another column that berundur.Selepas Mongols marched into the capital of the empire by conquering Khwarezmi Bukhara, Samarkand and Urgench, the capital of the empire which was then located in Khwarezmi Samarkand.Tentera Mongols arrived in Bukhara before the attacks caused mengejut.Ini Bukhara fell to the Mongols in mudah.Pada March 1220, the capital of the empire Khwarezmi, Samarkand fell to death Mongol.Shah the world during his run to the Caspian Sea.

A Mongol cavalry

The fall of the empire Khwarezmi pave the way towards a vast barat.Selepas Genghiz Khan's death, his empire was divided into four main sections Möngke especially after the death of Khan, which resulted in civil war between Kublai Khan and Ariq Boke; the Yuan Dynasty in China, which also controls Mongolia, Chagatai Khan (Chagatai Khanate), including Amu Darya to the Altai mountains, Ilkhan (Ilkhanate), which includes Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and western Pakistan and the latter the so-called Golden Horde that conquered most of the Eastern Europe from the Urals to the Danube River, beyond the interior of Siberia, while to the south of the Golden Horde empire bordered by the Black Sea, Caucasus mountains to the borders is the area Ilkhanate, a dynasty of Mongol conquest lain.Ketika peak, the Mongol Empire covered a distance of 9700 kilometers, an area of ​​33,000,000 square kilometers which is 22 percent of the land on earth and rule over a population of 100 million manusia.Ia was the largest empire ever existed on earth.

Mongol had to send his troops to invade Japan and Java, but fails, the reason is their lack of skills in the sea battle, for example, many Mongol soldiers drowned when fighting in Japan and when the expedition to Java, Mongol soldiers were trapped in the interior of Java after away from military pursuits Raden Wijaya (then established Majapahit) were unable to sail back to the confusing winds China.Perubahan Mongol warrior who was first run in the Sunda Strait and South China Sea, the China ships.

In the history of China, there are two foreign imperialism on ethnic Han.Pertama, the Mongols conquered the entire nation of China and establish Yuan.Kedua Dynasty, the Manchu, who beat the remains of the reign of the Ming Dynasty, and later established ethnicities Qing.Manchu Jurchen, as a nation of nomadic Mongolians.

Yuan Dynasty founded by Kublai Khan, grandson killed Genghiz Khan.Selepas Ariq Boke, brother, Kublai Khan had given her the huang, which means maharaja.Kublai Khan had violated the Song Dynasty in southern China after conquering dynasties of Xia Xia, Liao and Jin.Selepas Song defeated at the Battle of the remaining defense Yamen, finally Kublai Khan became emperor of China and the Chinese nation was first conquered by a nomadic tribe that once called the Chinese as barbarians (barbarian), uncivilized and looked down.

As the character of the Mongol nation in war and violence and penyerbuannya the massacre (massacre), was also faced by the people China.Mongol government has membumihanguskan Jin and Song and killed and enslaved tens of thousands of people of China have been reduced China.Populasi half a radically in 50 years of Mongol rule from about 120 million to 60 million.

Hulagu and his wife Khatun of Christian Doguz

Branch of the Mongol empire to the Middle East to conquer the famous capital city of Baghdad is Ilkhan (Ilkhanate). Ilkhan led by Hulagu Khan, the brother Möngke Khan and Kublai Khan, and grandson of Genghiz Khan.Tentera Ilkhan Hashshashins have stormed a fortress, a movement Ismailiah underground Shiite political motive in conquering 1256.Selepas Alamut, the last defense Hashshashins, Hulagu Khan moved to Baghdad, the capital of the Caliphate Empire was surrounded Abbasiah.Baghdad and successfully conquered in the popular 1258.Terdapat story of what happened before the conquest of Baghdad by Hulagu Khan.

Hulagu Khan

Hulagu Khan allegedly had invited the scholars of Baghdad to the tent for a banquet which was held in Baghdad outside the walls of the city on the advice of a minister of the Abbasid kuasa.Selepas renegade and make them hungry, Hulagu Khan suddenly got up and laughed and said that the food served to scholars is mixed with pork and drink mixed with arak.Maka no longer heard their prayers because God's food and drink from the source of the latest haram.Khalifah Abbasid, Al-Mu'tasim arrested and then killed by them with a carpet and trampled by thousands of askarnya.Cara kill these horses specifically for the kings, khans or Mongol warrior in the tradition in which to kill without shedding blood is a way penghormatan.Jamukha, who defected Genghiz Khan brothers were killed by breaking his spine.

Siege of Baghdad

The successful ending 500 years of age Children of the Abbasid empire (Abbasid Caliphate) was a fire in Hulagu Khan to move further to the west, conquering Muslim states to the Palestinians and Mesir.Hulagu Khan wants to go to Europe but when it was his assistants who are Christians are not advised demikian.Pada do Ilkhan saw the beginning of the history of the Jewish and Christian influence in government Khan.Hulagu Hulagu Khan wants to be seen against Islam and the history menghancurkannya.Dalam Ilkhan, Hulagu had married a woman Kristian.Ketika looting of Baghdad, a predominantly Christian population left alive on the advice Hulagu Khan's wife, in which at the same time about 200 000 Muslims were killed together ramai.Hulagu Khan was later conquered Aleppo (Halab) and Damascus (Damascus) in Syria, then stormed towards Palestin.Namun when the Great Khan , was reported dead Möngke dunia.Hulagu interesting part of his army and forced to return to Mongolia for a Mongolian tradition, when the Great Khan died, all families must attend kurultai Genghiz Khan, the assembly to appoint 'The Great Khan' is baru.Anehnya, after the death of Hulagu, the government after it began to be influenced by Islamic culture, especially Mahmud Ghazan, Khan Ilkhan-7 converts to Islam after the overthrow Baidu, Khan Khan Ilkhan Ilkhan sebelumnya.Sebenarnya the first to embrace Islam is Teguder of himself and his son Hulagu Abaqa, Khan Ilkhan second . Teguder originally was a Nestorian Christian name of Nicholas, but he later converted to Islam and changed his name to Ahmad Teguder.

For the first time, the empire Ilkhan been converted into a sultanate on Teguder ketiga.Teguder Khan himself rose to the title as the Sultan Ahmad.Teguder has tried to spread Islam to the people of Islam.Beliau also encourages its employees to Islam and also corresponded letter menyebarkannya.Malah Teguder to the Mamluk Sultan, rival dynasties and ask damai.Ini Ilkhan cause an outrage to those brothers and kerabatnya.Arghun, his nephew who was then governor of Khorasan had complained to the Emperor of the Yuan-China is also the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, Kublai Khan about Islam Khan became very marah.Arghun Teguder.Kublai began preparing a large army to punish the father saudaranya.Menyedari danger arises, ask for help from the Sultan Teguder Mamluk.Namun then Ilkhan-Mamluk relations still strong and the situation carefully . Teguder face military diri.Dengan Arghun a small number of soldiers, finally Teguder dikalahkan.Beliau later sentenced to death on August 10, 1284.

When the time of Mahmud Ghazan, Khan dynasty Ilkhan to-7, Christians and Jews began to lose their privileged status even lower than the status of Muslims and forced to pay cukai.Penganut Buddha's worst oppressed, they are given the option to either convert to Islam or forced or low status . Mongol armies began to embrace Islam, especially the Tartar army.

Back to the desire of Hulagu conquered Egypt and Syria, Hulagu's forces continued a campaign of conquest to the last center of the Islamic world, Egypt is ruled by Sultan Baibars.Pada Qutuz and captain in 1260, the Egyptian army had defeated the Mongols under the leadership of Kitbuqa, commander Hulagu who are Christians in the famous Battle of Ain itu.Pertempuran Goliath is viewed on par with the Battle of Hittin in 1187 in which Saladin army succeeded in defeating the Mongols Salib.Beribu of thousands killed and cleared, the remainder being chased by the Mamluk cavalry The most famous ketangkasannya.Kitbuqa caught and punished bunuh.Inilah history defeated the Mongols first large-scale and army commanders were killed in the cause of anger pertempuran.Ini Hulagu Khan on ini.Pertempuran humiliating defeat is very important because after the dynasty Ilkhan go down and slowly driven from the Mamluk Syria.

Second Battle of Homs Syria

After this defeat, the Mongols no longer be able to conquer Syria and Palestine, what more Mesir.Malahan Egyptian government which then ruled by a dynasty of Mamluk Baibars has become a thorn in the flesh of the Mongol empire Ilkhan itu.Harapan Islamic world shifted from the Abbasid Caliphate to the Mamluk dynasty to defend the lands of Islam, especially Palestin.Mongol had joined the Crusaders in the Crusades to-7 but failed to overcome the forces of the Mamluk cavalry is very difficult to ditundukkan.Hulagu died in 1265.Tidak more unknown reasons kematiannya.Namun there is a story about the death of Hulagu Khan, who led the armies of the source Tartarnya began to embrace Islam.

Golden Horde

Batu Khan, the founder of the Golden Horde

Golden Horde (Ulus of Jochi), one part of the Mongol Empire from the second division of the Mongol army, led by the White Horde and the Blue Horde Orda Khan led by Batu Khan, the eldest son of Jochi.White Horde and the Blue Horde was originally referred to two wing of the Mongol army invaded southern Russia and Eastern Europe, which was later dubbed in Persian literature and the Slavs as the Golden Horde.Sebagaimana title, this forces a lot of fighting with the nations of Europe and regarded as the teams 'Atilla The Hun' of military power kedua.Jika Ilkhan capable of beating teams on the legend of the Middle East as the Abbasid Empire soldiers, guerrilla suicide Hashshashins (Assassin) and Ayyubbi dynasty (when it is not as strong as the era of Saladin), the Golden Horde was easily beating the average fighters such as the Knight Templar Cross of the famous violent, Hospitaller and Teutonic.Batu Khan and captain Subedei subjugation by Bashkirs and Volga steppes Bulgaria.Kemudian attacking field in Ukraine and Crimea where living quarters Tartar.Golden Horde Tatars conquered all the nations and recruit them into the hordes of soldiers This Mongol.Ketika imperial cavalry, Tartar nations have joined the Mongolian army, and this combination is known as a combined Mongol-Tatar.

Looting of Suzdal

The combination is then looted Rus, the territory now in Russia, Moscow membumihanguskan, leveling Kolomna, then membumihanguskan Suzdal and then breaking Horde Kiev.Golden Poland and Hungary, destroying Pest (a town in Hungary), besieged Vienna, and also subjected Bulgaria.Mereka attacked Croatia and Serbia.Dalam battles in eastern Europe until the middle of the continent, the great men and Tartar Mongol cavalry was defeated Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria and others, the military bowed Knight Templar, mercenaries all over Europe, Knights of Armenia, Russia and the Cossacks, nomadic horsemen armies Russian, Hungarian and Croat fighters and suicide bombers from the Serbs.

Battle of Legnica

Surprisingly, despite the Golden Horde a lot of fight and ruled the territories of Christianity, but in the end of the Golden Horde Khan converted to Islam, not the Golden Horde Kristian.Malah recruited earlier than his brother Ilkhan ruled that although the Islamic territories, but a bit slow to digest the belief that God knows satu.Berke, four Golden Horde Khan know Islam from the year 1257 while the first Ilkhan Khan converted to Islam, began to embrace Islam Teguder circa 1282, was also killed his son and his family.

Invasion of Hungary

Preached, Berke began to love Islam after asking about the beliefs of the Sufis Khwarezmi berkafilah of Bukhara.Berke diIslamkan by Saifuddin, the Khwarezmi Darwish, a former territory of the Islamic empire that destroyed battered Genghiz Khan.

As the Golden Horde had converted to Islam early, so that it conflicts with the Golden Horde brethren, especially Ilkhan.Berke decided in close collaboration with the government to oppose Ilkhan Mamluk Egypt, the brother who still disbelieve even sitting around the Islamic culture.

The Great Khan, Khan Möngke

Berke actually wrote a letter to the Great Khan, Möngke Khan, the inhumane behavior Hulahu Khan on Muslims, especially during the conquest of Islam Baghdad.Berke feel sympathy with and affected by violence when the Mongols looted Baghdad.Namun, when his letter to the Karakorum, Möngke Khan had in fact died in the Battle of Ain China.Ketika Goliath, Berke has joined to help defeat the Mamluks Hulagu Khan Kitbuqa.Inilah under the leadership of the civil war between the Golden Horde and Ilkhan, two of the most influential state Mongol Empire in the history Mongol.Ketika Byzantine Empire (later conquered by Muhammad Al-Fatih from the Ottoman Empire in 1453) captures the delegation of Egypt, Berke directs Bulgaria (country subordinates) to send the military to release the Egyptian delegation continues to be hostile to Horde itu.Golden Ilkhan together government Mamluk which has not been able to beat.

Army troops defeated the Golden Horde in a battle Ilkhan

What happens after that is the power of God, Most Berkuasa.Ilkhan then making Islam the official religion after Islamisation Mahmud Ghazan although still hostile to the Mamluk and the Golden Horde was after perpecahannya Horde.Golden, allowing a much smaller governments such as the Crimean Khan, Kazakh and Ilkhan Uzbek.Perpecahan territories were returned to the Persian Islamic and Arab nations after a few generations of Mongol and Tartar absorbed into the nations Islam.Maka what we saw there as it is today, the countries or regions such as Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhtan, Turkistan, Tajikistan, Bosnia, Crimea, Chechya, Uyghur, and Moghul dynasty in India which serves much of North India circumcise is the story of the impact of the Mongol Empire is full of ups and downs.

Many moral or lesson of the story of the Mongol Empire fell because of the Abbasid ini.Empayar many irregularities and away from religion Islam.Fitnah-sini.Rasuah rampant there and love the world more and more absorbed into the hearts of the upper kerajaan.Ketika Muslim states under the Empire was the richest, but the farther from the guided ilahi.Semangat jihad to defend Islam is getting deep in the hearts of the officers, as weakened by the abundant wealth ruah.Bagaimana Mamluk army could defeat the Mongol soldiers but when it was only Egypt only the face of the Mongol empire during the attack on the Abbasid caliph ordered the entire army, stopping the Mongol Empire?


The first key is treachery from DALAM.Seorang vicegerent vicegerent was told that Hulagu agrees to marry his son Abu Bakr, son of khalifah.Ketika door open for the celebration of marriage ceremonies, with the messenger of a proposal to bring a variety of wedding gifts and expensive run out of town , but really surprise them if what they see outside is not the applause of the Mongol hordes of military ranks, but Hulagu Khan, who prepared a proposal for menyerang.Semua envoy killed, and the advance of the Mongols can no longer be detained, continue to storm into the city.

This is also the main factors fall into the hands of Malacca Portugis.Juga fall Vijaya, a city of Champa to the Dai Viet due to the defection of the hands of the minister because of the defection of Pattani Champa.Juga fall Sultan Pattani.Pengkhianatan officer is the most terrible poison in negara.Jika there are two options to punish people, a military commander and an enemy of the minister of treason, so that's what the minister should be punished first.

The second factor is the practice agama.Sultan Qutuz before moving the team, he got bertahajud night while praying to Allah Al-Fatih swtMuhammad when Constatinople by conquest, the night before the attack, watching the tents of the askarnya.Beliau watched him among the soldiers who got malam.Pada next day he chose only to wake up the night bertahajud who participated in the record Constatinople.Di joined the Turkish invasion, there were approximately 80,000 troops during the Ottoman conquest of the West, while the record is 160,000 to 300,000 tentera.Bayangkan, this means That number is up bertahajud on the eve of Al-Fatih serangan.Muhammad alone as a child never leaves prayers tahajud! is why the Prophet's Hadith is stated:

"Verily, Constantinople would fall. The best leader is the leader of the army and the army is the best "

If we start to leave or ignore religion, wait ... Allah will replace us with a better race than kita.Penggantian is subject to God, either as a rough faced by the Arabs during the fall of the Abbasid empire, or subtly, such as mass recruited the Malay Archipelago.

".... And if you turn back, Allah will replace you by another people than you and those that do not like you. "
(Muhammad: 38)

If we see the beginning of the story of the Mongol Empire, they are very violent towards the Muslims, kill and loot the cities Islam.Namun end of the story, they become soft and enchanted with Islam, and eventually became a devout follower of Islam and are willing to fight furiously to push in order to expand Islam.Sesungguhnya direct creation of the Almighty God nothing happened kuasa.Apa solely with the permission of Allah.

Malaysia Today

I want to touch a little in the context of what is happening in Malaysia today ini.Rasuah and money politics is indeed widespread in kerajaan.Subsidi the people getting reduced while government is responsible for the welfare of the people because government tax paid by the people and the people are entitled to this subsidy subsidi.Pengurangan covered by the term 'price adjustment'. But the actual price will be coordinated to reduce the subsidies, so pockets of certain parties to be adjusted to the maximum extent while the pockets of the people adjusted to the level of menyedihkan.Ketika Malaysia outrageous sex video on Anwar Ibrahim, the oil prices 'adjusted' by gradually phased sedikit.Tetapi sedar.Apabila not public suspicion of oil has risen, the majority of daily goods will go up, so that has nothing to do on the ground will also increase the cost of goods rose pengangkutan.Sekiranya not controlled, it will be up to the level of inflation, people have buy the same products with better value for money tinggi.Kos life will be naik.Orang naik.Emosi hungry are hot baran.Pihak government must think about this and when people are hungry this time should be given sweets to calm them.

Imagine a young father who has 3 children, works as a postman or a factory worker wants to earn a living child birth dikala sugar price increased to RM2.40 sekilogram.Barangan kitchen, fish and vegetables should dibeli.Dengan income is only around RM1300, it is the experience The wise minister suggested mengerikan.Ada public suspicion in the back of the farm ministers are smart rumah.Ada asked to reduce the sugar in the drink, add sweet in the opinion of the painful senyuman.Ini hati.Adalah suggested ministers had reduced to around RM1300 per month income for some tahun.Adakah they live in a state with a sweet smile smile-face after that? Maybe they should have objected because they earn commensurate with their education, but if they choose to become ministers in charge of the country and its people, THEY ACTUALLY BE PREPARED FOR SLAVE AND TO BE SERVED RAKYAT.Bukan insolence and offensive opinions.

Defamation is rampant if left unchecked will destroy a nation and peradaban.Jika our Prime Minister, DS Najib Tun Abdul Razak is accused of killing Altantuya Shariibuu, then opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim was accused of DS on charges of sodomizing Saiful Bukhari and is now committing adultery with a prostitute China.Apabila These Muslim leaders are not portrayed with a good image, how they want to lead the people, when distracted and busy with their established menempek defamation? It does not matter whether they are guilty or not, what is pressed here, cultural slander is not good for 'healthy' people Islam.Disarankan Najib and Anwar practice Kahf recited on Friday:

From Ali ra said: "Whoever recites Surah al-Kahf on Friday, he will be protected from any defamation of up to eight days even though the Antichrist will come out, he will be spared from it." (Tafsir Ibn Kathir)

Prime Minister's wife is not free from a variety of 'defamatory'. Wastage of public funds did, if not controlled will lead to his potential to become 'Imelda Malaysia'. It would be nice if the money is donated to people who do not require memerlukan.Negara 'Imelda'. We need a woman like the wife of Caliph Umar Abdul Aziz, who handed the glitter to the treasury for the needs of the country.

Enmity between the Pas-Umno must ditamatkan.Tidak Pas and UMNO stories differ in their politics out of politics but to show examples of how Muslims bersaudara.Lihat the late Fadzil Noor sepentas with Tun Mahathir once aforetime shake hands with warm smiles. PKR be too weak to handle DAP.Namun PKR is important to check and balance '. But if the wrong steps, PKR will be' checked 'and missing' balance '. Pass there is no need to join the alliance can stand on its own Rakyat.Pas sebenarnya.Pas should be a leader in the Alliance, rather than led by the DAP in Pakatan.Jika no qualified candidate or reluctant to lead, at least a pass to act a 'counsel of Muslim affairs' to the DAP, not bullied by the DAP.

After a long time friend of PAS, DAP should better understand the sensitivities of Muslims, such as the Golden Horde and Ilkhan who converted to Islam after a long mix with people Islam.DAP supposed to better understand Islam, not more confused and confusing yourself be noticed sendiri.Pas ini.Usahakan good thing for the Islamic da'wah to the DAP, do takut.Jika ego by UMNO to shrink want to get the greatness of God, why did not the DAP? Secular and the Communist sahaja.Tetapi ever in the hearts of the word is easier Lailahaillallah Notify invited to tender if Umno Tuhannya.Ajak brothers came to the mosque to say prayers berjemaah.Kurangkan article dahulu.Lembutkan political advantage in their hearts to Islam and sistemnya.Layan mesra.Bila them well and they throw stones, reply back with a fruit .

When they are closer to God, they would be under his command without the-suruh.Percayalah asked.

Today's businesses have been split-prophet pecah.Ada Islamic political movements that seek business but ditinggalkan.Ada missionary congregation of missionary work, but Jinayah fiqh or Islamic state chapters of organizations working on the rise diabaikan.Ada Caliphate system, but the most basic efforts to invite men to the mosque and the increase of faith to drop out of agenda.Nabi's not coming to the caliphs of Medina continued to talk about the prophet's mosque built dahulu.Alangkah nice if all this effort to join the Prophet Muhammad as well as a gerakan.Nabi invite people to the religion, he emigrated and wrote the Charter of Medina, the Islamic nation's first legal Madinah.Baginda participate in the missionary efforts and jihad, the two are operating on the road Allah.Nabi's pioneering Islamic Caliphate, but at the same time istiqamah in missionary work to the mosque and the efforts of masing.Sesungguhnya their faith is the best prophet for example, why is there still people who argue with each other and maintain the principles of ego in his own lust?

The Malay Archipelago during the successful role as a facilitator of the noble religion of Islam spread ini.Ketika era, the Malay rulers to treat and welcomed the missionaries from the Garonne and the generation of the Temple nabi.Kita friend had never heard of the Malay rulers, or banish Arab missionaries murder ini.Kemudian Malay rulers Filipina.Jika spread Islam until we learn the history of Wali Songo, we will see the mixing of blood from the Arabic, Persian, Champa, Kelantan Malay archipelago to receive a guided Jawa.Hasilnya Ilahi.Bukti the spread of Islam by the Malay people displayed by the use of Malay as the three important languages ​​Other languages ​​Islam.Dua proselytization is Arab and Malay Parsi.Bahasa the language that should be studied by scholars of Islam, especially in Southeast Asia because of many books and works of religious writing in Malay.

Now when there is a missionary effort based in Nizamuddin, India, which helps the daie of Muslim India is once again ... the Malay Archipelago appeared as a loyal servant to the noble religion is said to be slow ini.Usaha received by the Arab people as possible because keras.Namun Wahabinya policy that once again saw the Malays need to help their counterparts from India was equally refreshing to Islam in the hearts of the people of God manusia.Firman:

"Let there be among you a group that calls humanity to righteousness, enjoin what is right and forbid indecency; they who will prosper." (Ali Imran: 104)

If we can not preach to people, like my faith is weak, at least we support and help if any of our brothers who wanted to call to righteousness, enjoin what is right and forbid the munkar.Maka why Allah states there is a need for those among us who take this duty of all Muslims even supposed to be running a charity maaruf nahi munkar.Janganlah until we are the angels who prevent this noble religion of Allah.

I pray that the Prime Minister and his wife were guided by Allah to religious charities in hidup.Saya also pray that this country is safe from persecution, as well as DS Anwar Ibrahim.Hanyasanya the successful and safe world of the Hereafter are those who live in the glory of religion.

Standing before the tomb of Sheikh Saifuddin Bokharzi in Bukhara truly noble man is capable menginsafkan.Sekiranya soften the heart of a Khan, but Mongol leader of the most feared team across Europe, the Golden Horde, why not us, we are able to soften his thick with secularism but still claiming to Allah, the God who commanded the Hudud and Qisas law is implemented in the holy Quran.

"No loss is not sorry to meet people who istikharah"

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