Monday, August 16, 2010

Theory of Cognitive Development

Theory of Cognitive Development

European psychologists have long identified the basis of its relationship with mental and cognitive development of humans. They suggest that the mind plays an important role in aspects of human development goes through.

Jean Piaget Biography

Piaget was a biologist who are well trained. He comes from Switzerland and has been used to describe the biological model of human cognitive development. In view of Piaget, the mind can grow, change and adapt to problems that occur when interacting with the environment. Piaget and cognitive psychologists often times known as a structure because they are concerned about the structure of the human mind ( Gardner , 1973).

In his teens ages interested in the field of biology and epistemology of a discipline in philosophy a lot of talk about the development and acquisition of human knowledge. This background gives her many contributions to psychology in the first venture by Piaget when he worked with the Binet intelligence test to form the mental. While working in Binet, Piaget was not interested to see the correct answers given by children, but he was more interested to see the patterns shown by children when their knowledge to contribute to the formation of thought developed in children .

Table 1: Concepts, Basic Concepts Regarding the cognitive theory of Piaget




Structural changes to cognitive adopting new information


Acceptance of new information as consistent with existing schemata


Modification of an existing schemata receive new information


The combined process of assimilation and adaptation which helps in balance the knowledge, beliefs and experience.

Piaget said that every child has the pattern of their development alone. As a result, children in a classroom is not only different levels of different abilities but also their speed of cognitive development. Piaget considers that cognitive development occurred in stages and early stages is important for the development of the next stages as the levels of lead that became the basis for subsequent developments.

Level of Mental Development

Piaget found that mental ability of humans to appear in certain levels in the development of tests. He has been divided into four stages of cognitive development in the order of age. Different stages of development are:

1) Level of Sensory Motor or sensory motor (since birth - 2 years)

2) Pre-Operational Stage (2 years - 7 years)

3) The level of concrete operations (seven years - 11 years)

4) Formal Operational Stage (11 years - 15 years)

Erikson Theory

A further figure named Eric Erikson view that human life is through eight levels of psychosocial thriving from the to the next level with the opposite characteristics in certain levels. At each stage of baby, children, play time, school, adolescent, young adult and aged are the social conflicts that are resolved for further development. The most obvious from the study Erikson is a dynamic individual who is an individual and not static, and he has a distinctive identity. This is clearly seen in the first stage of Erikson is the opposite belief disbelief. Erikson considers the degree of trust in infants depends on the value of the custody and care of a parent or other person in charge. If the requirements are met as babies get food, water, attention and love, he will have hope for survival. On the other hand, if not, your baby will be unable to trust people around them and become defensive and will try to protecting the environment is not encouraging it. This is contrary to the opinion of Jean Piaget in which he considers a child at every level have a certain development.


Social conditions



1. Birth to 1 year

Support, provision of basic needs, there continuity of life.


The lack of support, denial, is not consistent



2. 2 to 3 years

To handle yourself, and support.


Excessive protection, lack of support and confidence


3. 4 to 5 years

Incentives, opportunities for themselves, ask



No chance, negative feelings


4. 6 to 11 years

Skills, education and adequate productive, a good model


Lack of training, direction and support.


5. 12 to 19 years

Continued internal stability, understanding depth on sex model, for positive feedback.


Confusion of purposes, feedback about clear, less understanding of expectations.



6. First 20 to 35

Extending warmth, understanding, believe.




7. 36 to 55 Years

The purpose of life, productivity

Ability to produce something

Lack of self-development


8. 55 years on

Feelings of love, unity, directional

Perfection Living

Lack of perfection, of discontent.


Theoretical implications of Piaget in Teaching & Learning

Another view on how people learn and acquire knowledge is the basis. The main Cognitivism is Jean Piaget. Cognitivism is the idea of mental representations. All the ideas and images in the minds of individuals represented by Cognitivism mental structure known as a schema. Scheme will determine how data and information fits with the existing scheme, the students will absorb the information in this scheme. If not correspond with the existing scheme, this information may be rejected or modified, or scheme will be modified.

Cognitivism point of view is less than one view of the born how people learn that a Constructive. By Constructive, knowledge is actively constructed by the students to think. These students do not passively absorb any knowledge delivered by teachers, but students will adapt any new information with existing knowledge to build new knowledge in his mind with the help of social interaction with friends and teachers.

Constructive Theory

In the book Anita E. Woolfolk, Piaget considers learning as a constructive process because the individual is required to understand and restructure their minds first.Also important in understanding the ability of a constructive understanding of the different terms of use left brain or right brain to develop students who are Global or Analytical.

Table 3: Theory of Brain Function asunder Two (R. Sperry and Ornstein (1969)

Brain controls the left

The right brain controls





Facts / logic


Sequence / Linear



Manipulation / globalization




Exploration ideas





Analytical tendency

Global tendency

Table 4: Characteristics of global student or Analytical:

Students analytic

Global student

Self study

Learning with peers

Like to study in light

Like to learn in light traps

Eating after the completion of

Eating at work

The position of formal learning

The position of informal learning

Do the work one by one

Do some work together

Constructive understanding of the views of learning as individual perceptions based on experience, if compared with the objectivity of the belief that the view of learning as knowledge of the absolute acceptance activities.

Table 5: Differences understanding objectivity and Constructive

Understanding of objectivity

Constructive understanding

Knowledge exists independently and imperious

Knowledge is not absolute, but understanding the perception of information received

Knowledge can be transferred from in a package

Knowledge can not be moved because each person has their own perception

Learning is a process of acceptance knowledge of the package.

Learning has a relationship with cognitive structure, formation schemata, assimilation, adaptation and equilibrium

Teachers as the main source of knowledge.

Teacher is the facilitator of the achievement knowledge.

Teaching aims to disseminate knowledge knowledge from teacher to student.

Teaching aims to organize and develop the concept and experience of the students all have the same ability to interpret the information

All students are deemed to have interpretations of the same teachers against what is presented by teachers.

Each individual has a perception that different to what is taught by their experience.

Have the final say about what

should be known by the students.

Teachers need to change roles in

experience and understanding of students'

students are tested to determine whether they can record and interpret the information as desired by the teacher.

Pupils are tested to determine the level of understanding and developing ways of handling information received.

Pupils are considered intelligent when they expected to respond by teachers.

Pupils are considered intelligent when they give a constructive response to what the response will be guided by the teachers even outside the understanding of teachers.

Students are considered as control discipline and enforcement rules learning.

Teachers are considered as class managers who deal with discipline problems are different for them to adjust their level of understanding.

Teachers do not expect any increase in knowledge or improvement understanding of the areas taught the interaction with students.

Teachers also enhance understanding of areas of interaction with the students taught.


Theory this has some guides for teachers and parents about the progress being passed by a child and every child is different in terms of cognitive development is likely influenced by other factors such as genes, environment, food, fitness and so on. Theory this has some guides for teachers and parents about the progress through the child and every child is different from the September cognitive development is influenced by the possibility of other factors such as genes, environment, food, etc.

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