Wednesday, February 24, 2010


When you repress your emotions your stomach keeps score.

Energy is within and around us all the time, and it is our consciousness that enables us to activate it and make it vital. Just because we can’t see something, doesn't mean it does not exist. We can’t see air, but we know we must breathe it to keep us alive. We also can't see electricity, atoms, electromagnetic fields, sound, radio waves or the weather, yet we can see or hear the indirect results of these. Everyone’s perception differs, and more people are becoming aware of energy in some way and know it as a very “tangible” phenomenon.

As previously mentioned Energy Healing is an umbrella term. I received my training in Energy Healing, or should I say awakening, through Douglas Peacock. Doug is the founder and practitioner of Integrated Spiritual Alignment (ISA). ISA is the process of connecting with your true self, the essence of who you are, and living from that place without being held in the illusion of the mind. To create a greater ease in ones life, one must first learn to be at ease within. If you are at ease internally then your external world will reflect this.

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